
In order to insure the comfort and safety of all guests, and to comply with the Association Bylaws and the restrictions established by The Homestead, respectfully obey the following:

NO PETS ALLOWED – Pets are not permitted on the premises – inside or out. Owners, guests, renters or any occupants who violate this restriction will be asked to remove the pet immediately and will be assessed a $500 fine.

NO BEACH FIRES – Beach fires at Shoreside are strictly prohibited by The Homestead.

NO SMOKING – Shoreside Bylaws prohibit smoking ANYTHING, ANYWHERE in the condominium units, the storage buildings, on the decks or in the courtyards. Owners, guests, renters or any occupants who violate this restriction are subject to a $500 fine and other charges resulting from the violation, including but not limited to property damage, restoration services and extra cleaning fees.

PARKING – Each unit has one designated parking space close to the sheds. The spaces are assigned 1-4 in this manner: Facing west, units 1 & 2 are the spaces directly in front of the southern most storage shed with 1 in the left space and 2 in the right space. Facing north with the northern most storage shed to your left, unit 4 uses the left space and unit 3 uses the right space. Additional spaces are available for guests’ cars in the out lot on a first come, first served basis.

Thank you for your consideration of others and your compliance.

©copyright 2020 Shoreside Condominium Association