Housekeeping and Maintenance


You can exchange dirty towels for clean and obtain additional dishwashing and paper supplies at the Housekeeping Center across the street from the front desk/reservation building. Bath products are not restocked. Delivery is not available for your restocking needs. You may also choose to launder towels yourself or purchase supplies at the store.


Glen Arbor Outdoors is our provider for exterior maintenance.  Do not contact Homestead Maintenance for overflowing trash pickup, driveway issues, or snow removal. Contact the Property Manager for your urgent maintenance needs.   If you are not sure who to call, start with the Property Manager to be advised. If the issue is not urgent and can wait to be resolved during Friday turnovers or April or November scheduled maintenance periods, please complete the Online Repair Form Maintenance issues can also be addressed with your Unit Representative. Contact information is available under the Board of Directors or owner’s list.

Keep in mind that the Shoreside Homeowner’s Association is billed each time an owner requests a service call. If the issue is simple like a blown light bulb, please handle it yourself to save the expense.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE REPAIRS ON APPLIANCES OR FIREPLACES, other than relight pilots, and then only if you are comfortable doing so. To relight the pilot-

    • Locate the Pilot Knob in the back left side of the firebox. It is behind the flame height adjustment knob and has three settings   On – Pilot – Off.
    • With the knob turned to the Pilot position, push the knob in and hold it.
    • Press & release the ignition button that is on the right side. The flame will ignite.
    • Continue to hold the pushed in Pilot knob until the flame remains lit steadily for a few seconds then release.
    • Turn the Pilot knob to On.

The remote control will now work to light the fireplace.